PAS Lucky 13 Week 1 round up

Here Comes Your Man”:
Just like his team he dropped the “Suso” this season and just his team he immediately started reaping the benefits! In fact he’s gone one better than his team by being on the actual top of the league!
Ryan “ex-Suso” Graves 38(7) has, ironically, got Everton to thank after they capitulated to Man City despite taking the lead – that 5 pointer edged Ryan 1pt ahead of the hapless Steve M (he had real issues with the new system this week!) who himself was holding off Danny A. Congrats Rhiannon, you’re our first official online winner! #thisishistory
If you’re gonna fail you might as well fail in the first week eh! Vim Gupta 11 (0) is all alone at the bottom despite Dave T’s best efforts to keep him company. Commiserations Vim, you’re our first online loser! #f*ckhistory
Correct Score of the Week:
Quite a few correct scores knocking about (this online malarkey is suiting you!)… most popular score was Man Yoo’s 2-1 win away at Sunderland 21 of us got that!
11 got the 1-3 at Carrow Road and another 11 got the 3-1 between Man City & Everton. 
4 got the 1-2 at St Andrew’s & four more got the zero-zero between Bury & Newport.
Julian F/Simon B/Alex R got Forest’s 1 -3 win over Brighton, Gary B/Mark S/Ian P got Charlton 0 Blackpool 0 and Michelle F & Will O got Donny’s 3-0 win over The Foxes.
Simon Lindq got Hibs’s narrow defeat of Partick.
Jamie T got Ross County 1 Aberdeen 0.
Steve T got his team’s inevitable defeat at Derby.
However, this week’s best correct score and therefore best correct of the season so far, goes to Tony Morris for his Palace-actually-scoring inspired, Liverpool 3 Crystal Palace 1.
Bet of the Week:
We had varying degrees of success (actually about 1 degree…) with this last season where the weekly winners used the populist “Goal Rush” method (pick 3, 4 & 5 matches where both teams will hit the net) or the traditional 5 homes, 4 aways & 3 draws.
So, during the beta-testing at the start of the season we introduced the “BotW” poll for everyone to have a say by using the three most popular selections to form the bet – and guess what?! It worked! Until I got involved with my own money…
Anyway, we’ve stuck with it and this week’s 75p trixie went as follows – 
Votes: 49
Selections: Man City 24% /Birmingham 15% /Peterborough 13%
Prize Slot: 33rd 
Returns: £2.62. Whoo, and indeed, whoo! 40p down, but hey, it’s not the usual £3!
Don’t forget to cast your vote every week but make sure you do it by 10am on a Saturday (or in Week 2‘s case, 1pm on Friday!)

Table News:

It’s Week 1 – it is what it is!

Please be aware we may lose some players but we may gain some (especially as Mr 2-0 had a good showing) so if you know anyone out there who wants to get involved, put them in touch!

PAS Champions League 2013/14:
Group stages start on Week 2 – fixtures below…
  • Group A

Paul Campbell v Tony Bowley

Clare Templeton v Ryan Brady

  • Group B

Neil Osborne v James Challinor

Gareth Morgan v Paul Vinson

  • Group C

Danny Ashworth v Will Oppong

Stephen Peaston v Pete Britton

  • Group D

Paul Carter v Stephen Street

Simon Buxton v Rich Lee

  • Group E

Ryan Graves v Mark Seels

Paul Henshaw v Simon Lindsay

  • Group F

Kate Hopper v Neil Templeton

Tom Ashford v Steve Meaton

  • Group G

Dan Pelgrom v Jamie Sellers

Neil Meredith v Sam Arora

  • Group H

Tony Morris v Ben Hogwood

Simon Lindquist v Jamie Tofeili
If you’ve got a “home” tie, don’t forget to play your JOKER! I’m reliably informed (yep, even I don’t have privy to the inner sanctum!) that all CL participants will see a “tick box” on the scoresheet so you can indicate clearly your chosen match to play a “joker”…

PAS Cup 2014:
In order to be invited to enter the PAS Cup 2013/14 you will have to finish in the Top 32 after 13 weeks of play. Currently sneaking the last spot is…Beta-testing champion & top tweeter, James Challinor!
And Another Thing:
Lots of payments have come in – thanks! Anyone who hasn’t got round to it, please do as soon as possible – don’t make me chase you!

Gonna be away in future weeks?

Future scoresheets will always be available on the site so while you’ve got time you might as well get some scores down eh?!

Or, why don’t you be ultra-modern and use your phone to submit your scores! Dan H has worked tirelessly to enable & improve access via mobile devices so it’d be rude not to…

That’s it for this week – oh, you on Twitter yet? Follow us on @PabsPAS and remember to add the #pabpas to see your tweet on the site!


ps – please be aware Week 2 kicks off at 5 o’clock on FRIDAY!

pps – a message from Gareth M – “How’s things going? I’ve just launched a new website – may not be everybody’s cup of tea – but thought i’d flag it up to all PAS members – It’s outdoor sports and travel. Running, surfing, climbing, cycling, triathlon, travel, cool photos and interviews, that kind of thing.

If you could  like, follow, share articles that kinda thing it would be brill”


PAS L13W13 pre-weekly round up


One game to go (which is already in progress) so we’ve cranked up the super-matrix so the valves heat up nicely in order to generate the Week 1 results for posting tomorrow…

We had a few minor problems (natch) but from 75 entrants, 66 of you managed to enter scores with the other 9 genuinely “forgetting” or “tactically leaving it to Mr 2-0″….so, well done you! You make me sooooooooo proud!

Still a few payments to come in but we’re nearly there – once everything is in, we can confirm the prize money splits (it’s looking good!)

You should all get this on your chosen email addresses but if there’s any you wish to add (or take off) please let me know.

Week 2 (and 3) scoresheets are live on the site but all you early birds out there please note Germany are playing Rep of Ireland not Norn Iron as it appears at the moment. The superbot responsible for fixtures has been decommissioned  and a big thanx goes out to Charlie H and his eagle eyes…

Full round up coming soon – we did it people, we did it. #throwoutthemagicmarkers



nearly there! you need to know this though…


A few teething problems but i think we’ve smoothed it all out now – here’s a quick simple guide to get you started (please refer to the FAQs sent out the other day for more help!)

1) make sure you’re logging on to the “live” site (not the “beta test” site) –

type it in if you’re not sure, bookmark it & then delete any other bookmarks you may have for PAS!

2) username = initialsurname (pfernandez)

3) password = weird set of characters sent round the other day – all previous passwords used before this email will NOT work. If you’ve forgotten or deleted the email, get in touch & we’ll do you a new one ASAP

4) make sure you have a vote on “Bet of the Week” (green panel on the right) – this will determine where the bet money goes to hopefully add more money to the funds. Do it! It’s easy!

5) get predicting! remember to click “save” down the bottom once you’ve finished & remember you can chop & change as much as you want as long as it’s at least a minute before the kick off time!

6) if you’re still baffled or confused we’ll be online all tonight and from about 7 tomorrow morning…



ps – looks like 72 entrants which is fantastic – thanks for all your enthusiasm!

Reminder, Bet of the Week & FAQs

We kick off on saturday morning (12.45) so get yourselves logged in and familiar!

Remember to vote on the “Bet of the Week” panel – it’s easy & it’s important!

Ok, just in case you’re stuck – here’s some useful info…

1) where’s the website? – your one stop shop for all of your predicting needs!


2) how do i get in?

you can view all of the tables, BotWs and roundups by just visiting the site however if you want to submit predictions or cast your vote for “BotW” you will need to log in!

so, just enter your username and password!

forgotten? then just click here to enter your email and request a new one! then log in, change it to something you can remember and away you go!


3) username? what’s that?

for most users it is your first intial followed by your surname (paul fernandez = pfernandez) however this may not be the case if someone has already stolen your name so if this doesn’t work worry not!

just email [email protected] to request a reminder if you need one!


4) password – what is it?

when the website was first launched you should have received an email from [email protected] with a new password.

however if you have forgotten your password just click here to reset it by entering your email address.


5) can i change it?

of course, just click edit profile and enter your new password.

remember! don’t choose anything too simple, it’s a big bad world out there full of e-cutpurses & thieves!


6) how do i do my predicting?

click on ‘my predictions’ and choose the week you wish to predict for. don’t forget you have the choice between a traditional table layout or a new style so predict it your way!


7) can i change my scores?

so long as the game hasn’t kicked off you can change your scores as often or as little as you want. not too sure if you will be back in time from the pub, try submitting on a smartphone! or if you’re from london, on your tablet that’s housed in a gucci cover…


8) how soon to the kick off time can i submit a score?

as close as you are willing to cut it!

however, we would strongly advise you submit no closer than 5 minutes to the kick off time! just to play it safe…


9) can i see my scores after all the kick off times?

access your old scores in the same way you did to predict the scores but note that you are now unable to edit the scores (cos that would be, like, silly)


10) i like paper – how do i print my scores?

just click on the print button.

please be sure to check the print preview to avoid any 20 page shocks! we like trees here at pas towers…


12) how do i play a joker in the cl/cup?

just choose the tick box next to the game you want to be your joker and keep your fingers crossed…


13) where’s the league table?

just click on the name of the relevant competition to view the tables. the main season table will always be the homepage though to keep everything nice and easy to find. cos we’re nice like that!


14) can i get updates sent to more than one email address?

of course! just email [email protected] with your name, username and the additional email addresses you want to receive updates to and we will do the rest!


15) how do i get in touch to complain, whinge or praise?

just click on the contact box and let it all pour out…naturally the more constructive your feedback, the easier it is for us to go about improving the site for you! and the more we’ll like you too…


16) where are your scores? don’t want you lot cheating…

our scores will be available here every gameweek at 10am for public scrutiny/humiliation. ahem….


17) what’s that “utc” all about?? have i missed the kick off time??!

think of UTC as an hour ahead of GMT and you can’t go wrong, well, you could, but i’ve just told you how not to…

hopefully we’ll have it all fixed proper like, before the clocks go back (but then it falls in line doesn’t it??!)


18) is the internet, like, magic?

getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant…(“that’s tekkies for you” – el presidente)

Get ready people – PAS Lucky 13 Winter 13 is nearly here!


Are you ready? I think we are…

We need you to do AT LEAST the following AS SOON AS YOU CAN! (yep, it’s that important i’m cyber-SHOUTING!)

1) You’ve had your log-in details – have you logged in? Go to (bookmark it!!!)

Have you changed your password? You really can you know & you need to cos those new ones are quite devilish aren’t they?!

Then log in again & get used to doing it cos it’s gonna happen a lot over the next 13 weeks or so. Oh, and make a note of your new memorable password & keep it somewhere safe!

2) Have a play & explore of the site – we made it all for you!

Stick some scores in just for the hell of it, maybe put a 10-0 in for a laugh, a Man Yoo win or a loads of 2-0’s – yeah crazy stuff! Fear not though as you can change/edit them as many times as you like until 1 minute before the kick off time! (but maybe leave the Man Yoo one hehehe…)

3) Check out the new “Bet of the Week” that EVERYONE contributes to!

Follow the instructions on screen and we’ll do the rest (but cast your votes well before 10am on Saturday please as that’s the point where we get the abacus out to see where the money is going)


If you already have, thanks, you’re a star! If you haven’t, get a wriggle on and get it sorted as soon as please!

5) Any questions, queries, praise, criticism, insights or ideas please send it all to the following email address

[email protected] – we’ll get right back to you!

Any banter or any of the above you want to go public (in 130 characters!), remember to use #pabpas on your tweets!

All good? Muy bien – you’re about to make history, be proud of your bad self…..



Champions League 2011: Final Result

…congratulations to Gareth Morgan on his CL victory – surely the only Sp*rs fan with a smile on his face!

That concludes the season, once again, thank you all for taking part – we’ll see you in September…


Spring Cup 2013: Final Result

Congrats to Paul Campbell completing only the second ever League & Cup double!

I’m sure he has his beady eye on the CL next season.

Speaking of which…


Spring Cup 2013: Final update…


This year’s PAS Cup Final will be contested by last year’s losing finalist (and this year’s CL finalist!) Gareth Morgan & our current League champion, Paul Campbell.

Potential doubles all round then…!

Attached is the scoresheet just in case you’re curious… & you’ll be updated on the result.


PS – FYI Mr 2-0s &#pound;20 went to these guys yesterday – MCRs homeless have had enough PAS money of late!

L13 Spring 2013: Week 13 Final Table & Season Roundup

Thanks again for taking part – I would say it’s been a pleasure but posting my lowest finish EVER put a dampener on that :-(

Congrats to all the winners – your prizes will be with you soon!

You have to say if you can climb from being around the 40th-50th mark early doors and then remain in the Top 5 for over half the season AND reach the PAS Cup Final you really are consistent!
Hats off to & congrats then to Paul Campbell 339 (50) – you’re a winner!
And you could yet be a double winner (unlike RVP, ahem….)
Paul had a 5 point lead over Neil Osborne in second place, who just couldn’t quite manage the same levels and in turn finished 2 points ahead of Danny Ashworth in third place just running out of steam when it mattered! (Oh Danny boy…)
Just one point behind, Paul Carter, with his impressive array of weekly prizes & Cup booty, ended up in fourth spot & old skooler Ryan Graves returned to the fold to scoop 5th place (like riding a bike eh Ryan?!).
Top girl goes to Kate Hopper who had a fine season (albeit with some coaching from the sidelines!) in 6th with Dan Pelgrom in seventh (notching another Top Ten finish) place 1 point above Tony Morris (syndicate bragging rights?!) in eighth.
Finishing ninth was Tony Bowley (who joins our champion trying to deny Gareth M a Cup via the CL Final!) just above James Challinor in 10th place (currently being cursed by Will O a mere 3 correct score behind in the hinterland that is 11th!) netting the last of the “big prizes”
You have to say even our champion couldn’t match the consistency level of Harry Birkner 207 (15) who takes the wooden spoon this season with gusto!
Rob C made a gallant effort over the last few weeks to rival our basement boy though, even making me look good in the process! Shocker!
Spot Prizers:
OK, you have finished on these positions and you HAVE won those prizes!
Will O on 11th, Stephen S on 12th, Mark S on 13th, Clare T on 17th Tom A & Neil M on 23rd, Pete B on 27th, Sam A & Jamie T on 31st, Stuart L on 33rd, Jon T on 34th, Olly O on 38th, Dan H on 43rd, Ciaran McG on 48th, Scott H on 49th, Mark F on 50th, Jason M on 55th, Jay H on 60th, Mr 2-0 on 66th, Greg S on 67th, Martin S on 68th, Howard T on 71st, Anders H on 77th, Alex R on 81st & Rob C on 83rd.
*** All prize money will be winging its way over this weekend – promise! ***
Champions League 2013/14:
In order to be invited to enter the PAS CL 2013/14 you had to finish in the Top 32 after 13 weeks of play. Sneaking the last spot… Jamie Tofeili!
If you’ve finished in the Top 32 you HAVE qualified for the PAS Champions League – if you so wish!
You can say “no thanks” if you want but why would you do that eh?!
It will cost you £25 (“Winter 13” & CL Group stages) but remember you are guaranteed entry to PAS Lucky 13 Spring 14 (if you qualify for the CL knockout stages or not!) and at the reduced rate £20 – bargain!
Plus, seeing as you’re *that good* at PAS, you’ll probably be in the PAS Cup anyway fighting on three fronts for glory & cash and who knows, maybe a historic treble!
And Another Thing:
the other little bits…
Mark Seels picked up an additional £15 for getting the Best Weekly Score of the Season – 45(8)
Ryan Brady picked up £12 for getting the Best Correct Score of the Season – San Marino 0 England 8.
PAS Champions League 2012/13:
Final: Tony Bowley v Gareth Morgan – 11/25 May ’13
PAS Cup 2013: Final:
Paul Campbell v Gareth Morgan – 11/25 May ’13
Congrats to Gareth M for reaching both finals setting himself up for an unprecedented Cup double!
Fear not! You will ALL be kept in the loop on the progress & results of both Finals!

Thanks again to all for taking time and bothering to enter, we couldn’t do it without you!
And a final big thank you to Dave N & new IT-whizz-on-the-block Dan H for providing all the behind the scenes techky stuff to enable another great season…

We really are *this* close to going fully online next season – imagine, no more Word docs to fill in & send by email!

For definite, we’ll see the Top 32 (for PAS CL) in September when kick off PAS Lucky 13 Winter 13, hope the rest of you will join in too!

Remember, spread the word and get all your people involved for next season – have a fab summer!


PS – Wondering what the weekly “bands” were? Wonder no more & make a playlist!

Week 1
The Strokes
Week 2
Beastie Boys
Week 3
Flowered Up
Week 4
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Week 5
Week 6
Belle & Sebastian
Week 7
The Jesus & Mary Chain
Week 8
Spandau Ballet
Week 9
Level 42
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Aztec Camera

Follow! Follow! Follow! we are on Tw-it-ter… @pabsPAS

L13 Spring 2013: Week 13 Update…

Apologies for the delay… full final table round up will be with you later this week (we like a bit suspense!) and for our Cup finalists, the Cup Final scoresheets will be with you quite soon too (we’re just re-jigging the format a bit to make it more interesting!)

Possibly the best week to get a hi-score? Our scouse friend out in the desert will agree & no doubt be sneaking off to an illegal drinking den to celebrate. Yep, Mark J Brown 38 (8) has the SLP results to thank for nudging Simon Linds down to runner up so he could snatch the final £20 of the season…
Not the best week to get a lo-score? (is any week?!) Unfortunately Francesca Fernandez 7 (0) did just that and has been sent to bed without any tea so she can think about just what she’s done…
Correct Score of the Week:
Not a bumper week for many… most popular score was Stoke’s 1-0 win over Norwich – 22 of you got that!
6 got the 2-2 at the DW, 4 got Huddersfield’s 1-3 v the Robins and 8 got the 2-2 at the Riverside.
4 got Notts County 2 Coventry City 2 & 4 got the 1-0 between The Cakes & The Jambos and Paul V & Olly O got the 3-1 for Ipswich-Birmingham.
Louise B / Jazz S / Jack B got Reading 0 QPR 0.
However, this week’s best correct score goes to Jack Buxton (again!) for his Stuart McCall inspired, Motherwell 3 Celtic 1.
PAS Champions League 2012/13:
Semi-final 2nd leg & aggregate scores available.
Congrats to our finalists – and losers, there’s &#pound;37.50 winging its way over to help you get over not getting over the last hurdle…
PAS Cup 2013:
Final: Paul Campbell v Gareth Morgan – 11/25 May 2013
Bet of the Week:
Frankie selected No.3 & Paul Campbell didn’t send us any selections, so that’s &#pound;3 on BotW prize slot 67th…
