Spring Cup 2011 : Round 1 Leg 2 Roundup…


Don’t even begin to tell me about “the greatest comeback in the history of the universe”, I know and have been told over and over and I’m still speechless…

Anyway, a fine Cup week – 2nd leg results and aggregate scores attached – all the winners will be in the hat for the 2nd round draw tomorrow… Frankie Fernandez again doing the honours.

Highest aggregate score:
Michelle Fernandez 63(12) – she’s already complained about the fact there’s no weekly prize on offer – oops!
Lowest aggregate score:
Stephen Street 31 (2) – plenty to cheer about despite a defeat in the Geordie derby!
Best joker:
Will Oppong – Man City 3-0 (10 points) – how apt…
1st leg defeat turnarounds:
Dave Crisp, Michelle Fernandez & Sam Arora
Narrowest winning margin:
Nick Hogwood v Mark Fawke – 1(1)
Biggest winning margin:
Shaun Backhouse v Rich Lee – 20(6)
Biggest aggregate score not to go through:
Tony Morris 53 (7)
Lowest aggregate score to go through:
Will Oppong 40(1)


Spring Cup 2011 : Round 1 Leg 1 Roundup…


Quite an eventful weekend eh?! Our own Cup competition is proving equally interesting – an absolute ding dong thriller in the Universal Records derby, a couple of let offs for those who didn’t get a scoresheet in, including the Geordie derby and everything to play for in most of the other ties. Jason M carries the biggest lead into the 2nd leg games and there were hi and lo scores from Simon Lindsay & Dan Pelgrom respectively…

2nd leg scoresheets – back to me by 19.44 on Friday 4th Feb please!


Spring Cup 2011 : Scoresheet correction… (2)


I’m gonna run out of spooter badges at this rate…

Well done to Matt Gingell & Drazic Fawke for pointing out no matter how good/bad/staffed both PNE and QPR are, they can’t play two games in one day at the same time!

Definitive scoresheet attached – if you’ve sent yours in already, you better do it again!

Cheers, I can’t wait for this week to be over!


Spring Cup 2011 : Scoresheet correction…


First spotter badge of the season goes to Nick Hogwood – as he quite rightly points out, the first game is on Friday evening at 19.45…

Pab (it wouldn’t be PAS without the odd ricket or seven now would it?!)

Spring Cup 2011 Info (2)

Dear PASers,

Just to clarify, the scoresheet only needs to be filled in and sent back by the people listed on the Cup draw.

If you’re not involved in the Cup, why not fill in the scoresheet anyway, print it off, check it and use it as a pre-season friendly to find your form before the big PASL13 Spring 11 kick off on February 12…


PS – Cup people at home in the 1st leg – don’t forget your joker!

Spring Cup 2011 Info

Here’s the sketch in case you’re not au fait with Cup weeks…

  • There is NO weekly prize for the P-A-S Cup rounds!
  • As in the proper Cup, a home draw is a big advantage.
  • Home “teams” can select any one of the 30 games to play a “JOKER”.
    • Indicate your selection by marking a “JJJ” next to one of the team names on the scoresheet (e.g. Arsenal JJJJ)
    • If you score any points on this selection they will be DOUBLED.
  • You will be playing against the person you have drawn – the aim is to beat their score and progress to the next round and so on until the Final in May.
  • These scores DO NOT count towards the Lucky 13 Spring 2011 league – UNLESS the Cup rounds & League weeks coincide (2nd round to Semi Finals)
  • If you score DOUBLE points on a Cup/League week, your “double” score will NOT count in the League – just plain ol’ single points there I’m afraid!

Dates for your diaries, PAS Cup Weeks…

  • 1st round 1st leg – 29/30 Jan 11
  • 1st round 2nd leg – 5/6 Feb 11
  • 2nd round – 19/20 Feb 11
  • Quarter Finals – 12/13 Mar 11


Spring Cup 2012 : Pre-Season Update and Poll

Just waiting for a few last minute polls to be sent over (been a great response – thanks!) so I’ll have all the results ready for your perusal in the new season’s Week 1…

Speaking of which, no one has said they want to drop out of the Cup (why would they?!) but if you do want to opt out, please say ASAP!

All of us who didn’t make the cut, it’s doubly worth getting involved in PAS Lucky 13 Spring 12 as you can qualify for Euro 12 and/or PAS Champions League 12/13 – and you don’t want to miss out on either of those now, do you??! (shhhhh, don’t tell anyone, I might even resort to cheating my form is that bad…)


L13 Spring 2011 : New season info – please read!

Lords, Ladies & Gentlemen, we kick off PAS L13 Spring 11 on week-ending 11 February – I think the easiest way of doing this… …is this!

For those who DIDN’T finish in the Top 32 (if you can’t remember, have a look at the league table!)

It’s £25 in for PAS L13 Spring 11. If we get drop outs from the Cup qualifiers and you get to sneak in – I’ll refund you a fiver – how’s that? Let me know ASAP if you’re in and get your payment in even quicker.

For those who DID finish in the Top 32 it’s £20 in for the L13 Spring 11 AND the PAS Cup 11 – we kick the CUP off on week ending 28 January (draw to follow soon).

***A new feature this season – PAS Cup R1 will be over TWO legs just to make it even more exciting!***

Please let me know if you’re NOT playing so we can recruit from those outside the Top 32.



Spring Cup 2012 : Round 1 Draw

The PAS Cup threw up (it’s how it makes me feel when I’m not involved!) some interesting ties – we have a “syndicate” derby, a brother on a revenge mission, a champ with a seemingly walk over, the kids avoiding each other, and ex-MCPS derby, two Top Ten clashes and undoubtedly the tie of the round – a West Yorkshire sibling derby so incendiary it’s been put back to a 9am kick off on the Sunday…

In the CL draw, both perfect group winners were rewarded with tough draws, the lowest ranking qualifier will fancy his chances, the only girl through will be quietly confident and the “syndicate” are guaranteed one through/one out. Interesting…


L13 Winter 2011 : Final Table Roundup

Merry Christmas!:
He bided his time, let the others collect their weekly wins and then struck at the optimum time – step up stormin’ Norman Lee finishing top of the pile after the closest finish we’ve had in years. Well done Norman, buy yourself a Suarez tee-shirt with your winnings…!
Mr Lee had a 6 point lead over the old stalwart Jamie Sellers in second place, who finishes two points above the amazing debutant that is Paul Vinson in third place. Shaun Backhouse was knocked off his perch into fourth place ahead of Paul Carter who will be a ’appy ’Ammer finishing 5th on 329 points one place and two points above Scott Harrison in 6th.
Sam Arora smashed his brother by ending up in seventh place 3 points above Paul Henshaw in eighth, who in turn finishes 1 point above our Ellen Fernandez in ninth.
Neil Templeton finishes in 10th place, thanks to 4 correct scores (from the unlucky Rich L) and nets the last of the “big prizes”
Happy New Year?:
The battle of the bottom to and fro’d and will no doubt it will please someone called Nick… Ben Hogwood takes the wooden spoon this season 6 points adrift of Mark J B – oh dear. Let’s hope Norwich don’t do the same in 2012!
Spot Prizers:
OK, it’s Week 13, you HAVE won these prizes!
It’s nice to share, Just as well as Simon Lindsay & Steve Tagger are at 13th (£12.50 each), saving some syndicate face, Richard Hirst is at 22nd (£20), Howard Thomas is top Eagle at 27th (£20), Matt Worsfold is at 31st (£20) softening the blow of his mobile texting bill, Neil Meredith is at 34th (£20) and pays for his CL entry, Tony Smith is at 38th (£20) but will he put it towards attending the home of football on Jan 9?, Mark Grey is feeling like Sheikh at 44th (£20), Rob Currin is on the 54th (£20) smug in the knowledge he’s the lowest placed CL qualifier, Louise Briggs & Rowan Marriott are on 61st (£10 each) like a City United, Stephen Street on 68th (£30) is this season’s villain & hate figure and Mark J Brown is at 73rd but in Dubai so I’ll keep it (only joking again lah!)
Bet of the Week:
At least we had a couple of winners this season! Still not really working as it should hence the plea on the PAS Poll (send yours in now!)… Rich Lee finished on 11th and picked up zip for his troubles! Martin Stafford can take some consolation finishing on 33rd between Cup qualification and £20, by picking up a “Lady”, Danny Ashworth on 49th has £3.50 to go towards his £20 entry fee as he marches on in the Champions League and the Missus in 71st can only take satisfaction in besting our daughter by one place as there’s no money here either!
Thanks to all who dared to win especially Sean P & Paul C!
PAS Cup 2012:
In order to be invited to enter the PAS Cup 2011 (and pay £20 for this & entry to PAS L13 Spring 12) you had to finish in the Top 32 after 13 weeks of play. Sneaking the last spot is… Neil Osborne
PAS Champions League 2011/12:
I waited a long long time for this to happen, qualified for it and then spectacularly imploded losing all 6 matches (see also Will O & Ben H!)!
So, through gritted teeth, congrats to Group winners (A) Olly Osmond, (B) Richard Hirst, (C) Danny Ashworth, (D) Clare Templeton, (E) Norman Lee (perfect 6 out of 6 record!), (F) Rob Currin, (G) Scott Harrison and (H) Jamie Sellers (perfect 6 out of 6 record!).
A big well done also to runners-up (A) Tony Morris, (B) Josh Hirst (knocking out current League champ Shaun B by 4 correct scores!), (C) Neil Meredith, (D) Neil Templeton, (E) Jazz Sian (knocking out Tony B & Mahli G by 1 correct score and 3 correct scores respectively in a humdinger of a group!), (F) Jamie Tofeili, (G) Dave Nicklin (knocking out Pete B by 3 correct scores!) and (H) Rich Lee (knocking out Mark F by 6 correct scores!).
You’ve all qualified for the knock out stages where PAS Lucky 13 Spring 12 will cost you £20 irrespective of where you finished this campaign – the draw will take place on New Years Day once I’ve secured the services of The Kaiser & Marcello Salas now that JT & Luis Suarez are no longer available…
And Another Thing:
The other little bits…
Shaun Backhouse picked up an additional £10 for getting the Best Weekly Score of the Season (for the second consecutive season!) – 49(8)
Stephen Peaston picks up £7 for Best Correct Score of the Season – Man City 5 Norwich City 1

Thanks again to all for taking time and bothering to enter – and a final big thank you to Dave N for providing all the behind the scenes techky stuff to enable another great season…

We’ll see the Top 32 in January for the PAS Cup & Lucky 13 Spring 11 and those game enough to take on the “cream” – the rest of you (that don’t want to play), we’ll see you in September – remember, spread the word and get all your mates involved for next season!


PS – wondering what the weekly “tracks” were? Wonder no more… Make a playlist!

Week 1
“The Look” – Metronomy
Week 2
“You Know What I Mean” – Cults
Week 3
“Ashes To Ashes” – Warpaint
Week 4
“Cornflake Girl” – Tori Amos
Week 5
“Elephant Stone (Mint Royale Mix)” – Stone Roses
Week 6
“Raconte-Moi Une Histoire” – M83
Week 7
“I’m Not In Love” – Crystal Castles feat Robert Smith
Week 8
“Starchild” – Level 42
Week 9
“Open Your Heart” – The Human League
Week 10
“Nothing But Green Lights” – Tom Vek
Week 11
“Same Old Scene” – Roxy Music
Week 12
“Private Life” – Red or Dread